Gratte Brothers Receives Excellent Second Considerate Constructors Scheme Scores

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Following on from the ringing endorsement we received from the Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) after their visit to one of our Data Centre sites in April, we are delighted to announce that a second visit in August saw our overall score increase.

The Considerate Constructors Scheme, which was founded by the construction industry, is designed to encourage best practice beyond statutory requirements in three categories; the general public, the workforce and the environment.

Inspectors visit regularly and score a site across categories with each section receiving a score out of 9. Gratte Brothers scored 8 (Excellent) for Care About Appearance, Protect the Environment, Secure Everyone’s Safety, and Value their Workforce and increased their previous score regarding Respect for the Community to an 8.

The executive summary of the Inspector’s report states ‘This is a fine example of how commitment to supporting, encouraging and training a dedicated and loyal workforce and committal of significant resources to achieving this pays dividends in the presentation of the project.’

Well done to the project team for these fantastic and well-deserved scores!

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